6 Effective Strategies to Attribute Revenue to B2B SaaS Integrations

Discover the data that B2B SaaS businesses should collect to analyze the impact of integrations on revenue generation and learn how to leverage these insights to attribute revenue directly to SaaS integrations.
Written by
Elizabeth Garcia, Product Marketing Manager
Published on
September 29, 2023

When building the business case for initial or continued investment in your SaaS integrations or technology partnerships, you must demonstrate its potential to bring in revenue, keep revenue, or contribute to upsells. 

But first - what data should you be collecting? 

SaaS integration usage data 

Before analyzing how integrations contribute to revenue generating activities, you should set up a system that monitors integration usage & analytics. If you’re a technology partnerships leader, you will likely have to coordinate with your product team to make this happen. 

Creating a method to monitor app installations and how they are used is one part of this. This will help you understand your integration adoption and how customers are using them. 

If the integration you want to analyze is partner-built, you might need to ask your partners for the specific metrics you need. 


  • Build a way to discover what customer uses an app (API Key) into your authentication. Also, if the app used is registered by a partner. 
  • When you look at integration usage, segment integrations by whether they are business critical or not. 
  • The business critical integrations are more likely to have a more significant impact on retention because they play a vital role in your customer’s tech stack and make it more difficult to remove and replace your solution with a new system. They are typically the most important to get data on because they touch more systems and users than other apps and will likely require the most iteration.

There are integration infrastructure platforms that have many of these monitoring capabilities baked in. Giving product and technology partnership teams access to this data. They enable SaaS organizations to off-load work and easily integrate data on integration usage with data warehouses like Coralogix, AppInsights, DataDog, Splunk, Logic Monitor, and New Relic. 

Partner influence data

This data is collected through sales and marketing efforts. Gathering this kind of data requires setting up systems and tools to capture how integrations and technology partnerships are influencing direct deals and helping prospects move through the sales cycle.  

Tools and processes for capturing partner influence on sales include: 

  • A sales recorder: Gong and Avoma record sales calls. You can create tags that specify certain integrations and partnerships and collect data on when these keywords get mentioned on a call. Best for a large sample size. 
  • Integrating PRM affiliate or other partner tech with CRM: Integrating a tool like Crossbeam can provide a single view on customer mentions and influence. 
  • Have a partnership person sit in on sales calls. 

Data on retention, satisfaction, and ACV

Your SaaS organization is probably already tracking this data in some capacity. However, it is important that you filter it as it relates to integrations and technology partnerships. To do this, create a process your customer support team can follow that captures user feedback on existing integrations and new integration requests. 

App Marketplace analytics and lead capture forms 

If your SaaS organization has a public or in-app marketplace or catalog, looking at its analytics can help you discover where users are spending the most time. This can help you figure out what customers are most interested in. 

Implementing lead capture forms in your catalog allows prospects and customers to submit requests for new integrations they’d like you to build. This data helps with making a solid business case for building more integrations and deciding which ones to build first. 

6 ways to attribute revenue to SaaS Integrations 

After you’ve implemented the infrastructure, tech stack, and processes to collect data on integration interest, usage, and activity, it’s time to move on. Shift your thinking to revenue and how integrations impact it. 

Use these metrics to tie SaaS integrations directly back to revenue:

1. Calculate the estimated revenue opportunity of building a new integration

If you want to make a case for building an integration as part of a technology partnership, and want to show the potential impact on your company’s revenue, gather this information first: 

  • Estimated total customers your partner has.
  • Hypothetical percentage of your partner’s customers you’ll hope to convert to opportunities.
  • Your company's average close rate.
  • Your company’s average revenue per customer.

Then, use our Revenue Calculator to calculate the revenue opportunity of building that integration.

2. Report on integrations impact on Annual Contract Value (ACV)

There are two different ways you can do this: 

  • Identify your business-critical integrations and report the percentage of customers using those integrations. 
  • Compare the average deal size of customers who have adopted business critical integrations versus have not. 

3. Report if integrations shortened your sales cycles 

To track the impact of integrations on sales cycles, you will need to have a large enough sample size, and you will need to have implemented a tech stack or process to tag mentions of partners or integrations during sales. Once that’s done, you can look into the following:   

  • Compare how long it takes a prospect to move from a lead stage to a deal stage when there is partner involvement versus no partner involvement. 
  • Report on the percentage of new customers installing and using integrations.

4. Report on integrations impact on renewals

Similar to point 2 above, you can compare the renewal rate of customers using business critical integrations vs. those who are not. 

5. Report on integrations impact on retention 

Once your customers start using your integrations, you can start digging into how these integrations relate to keeping them interested in your product.

There's no fixed number of integrations that every SaaS company should start with to understand how integrations impact customer retention. 

This varies based on the type of market you're in. So, it's important to aim to understand your B2B customers' tech stack and how many integrations they usually need to make the most of your platform.

Once you have this information, you can compare how well customers who don't use any integrations stick around compared to those who do.

Pro Tip: Depending on the industry and expertise of each B2B SaaS company, there's a certain number of integrations that, once reached, doesn't significantly change customer retention. 

Figuring out this magic number helps you set goals for how many integrations you want customers to adopt. This way, you can keep them happy and ensure they keep relying on your platform for their business needs.

An example of integration’s impact on retention

ShipBob, a 3PL worth well over a billion dollars, chose to standardize and centralize their integrations into one platform that gave them metrics to do the analysis on retention, churn and upsells to show the impact of developer work.

With more visibility to this data, they were able to identify that customers who were integrated with more than two systems had a lower churn and a higher ACV, and the NPS for customers with more than 5 apps installed was 10 points higher than those with less than 4. 

6. Report on integrations impact on customer satisfaction  

CSAT surveys for integrations

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys that include questions specifically focused on integrations can not only provide insight on how to improve the integrations you offer, but it also allows you to collect data on how important they are to your customers’ experience. 

You can create surveys or schedule interviews with users who have installed and used integrations after a specific period of time, for example, after one month of usage and then again six months later. 

After setting up those processes you can report on a comparison of Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and CSAT scores for customers that are integrated vs those that are not (or not as integrated). 

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