Pandium Resources


Expert insights and recommendations on technology partnerships and integrations.

Download the handbook explaining API and integrations for the non-technical

Learn how to ensure that your product integrations are supported and scaled by asking the right questions of your engineering team. Download our e-book to help you make informed decisions for your business.

Download the guide to creating a SaaS partnership strategic plan

Looking to streamline your business processes through partnerships? Check out our comprehensive toolkit, which includes a partnership plan template, sample organizational structures, partner manager job descriptions, and a breakdown of the 9 partnership types in the revenue funnel.

Download the report on product integrations at the SaaS 1000

Discover the latest insights on SaaS partner programs, including integration user stories, app marketplaces, and technology partner co-marketing. Our team analyzed the 1000 fastest growing SaaS companies to provide you with valuable data on their APIs, integrations, and marketplaces.

Download the State of Integrations and APIs at 400 SaaS Companies

Learn how the most successful companies are meeting the demand for interoperability, and how companies of different stages, sizes, and product categories are approaching technology partnerships, integrations, and APIs.

Download the 2021 guide to launching an integration marketplace

Get up-to-date insights on SaaS partner programs, including app marketplaces, integration user stories, and technology partner co-marketing. Access our library of resources for valuable content and take your knowledge of the tech ecosystem to the next level.

Download the guide to launching a B2B app marketplace

Includes recent data on B2B app marketplaces and integrations, as well as, new content on what to track to get more internal resources, developing integration user stories, and technology partner co-marketing.

Download the analysis on the top 50 tech partner programs

Discover the strategies used by top companies to boost growth through technology partner programs. Get insights into program structure, monetization, and developer and go-to-market resources.

Download the Definitive Guide to Marketing Integrations with Tech Partners

Learn how to maximize co-marketing opportunities, market integrations, and build marketplace listings. Read best practices for identifying ideal partners, generating leads, and tracking results.


More on partnerships, integrations, and APIs.

Revenue calculator

See how much integrations can generate.